Wells + Wang, an architecture/interior design firm,
is challenging the future.
- 纽约州注册建筑师,第8993号
- 美国建筑师注册委员会成员,第5955号
- 前康奈尔大学建筑学院建筑系主任,任期达10年
- 美国国家幕墙委员会委员
- 美国富布莱特委员会委员
- 美国建筑师协会成员
- 美国建筑认定委员会董事会成员
- 从业60年,拥有极多获奖设计和建成作品,培养了众多知名设计师
- Registered architect in New York, #8993
- Member of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, #5955
- Former Chair of the Cornell Architecture Department from 1980 to 1989
- Member of the Fulbright Committee
- Member of the National Screening Committee for Architecture
- Member of the Architects in Education committee of the AIA
- Member of the board of directors for the National Architectural Accrediting Board
- Practiced as an architect for sixty years with numerous built projects and awards
- Cultivated many renowned designers and architects globally
Jerry A.Wells
Simin Wang
- 康奈尔大学建筑设计硕士,并获得杰出毕业生、杰出毕设、全额奖学金
- 上海交通大学与密歇根大学土木工程学士
- G20 YEA 青年企业家,APEC创变者
- 2017年 福布斯中国 30 位 30 岁以下精英
- 建筑、品牌与产品设计作品多次被落成、应用、获奖和参展
- 主编并撰写《新设计书·奇想 1》和《奇想·建筑》(清华大学出版社)
- 多次发表设计、科技与材料学相关学术论文,拥有多项专利
- 研究项目曾为美国自然科学基金资助项目
- Graduated from Cornell University with M.Arch, full scholarship, outstanding graduate student prize, outstanding thesis prize
- Graduate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University + Michigan University, Ann Arbor with B.Sc. in civil engineering
- Selected as G20 YEA member, APEC Voices of the Future-Innovator
- Awarded as one of 2017 Forbes China 30 Under 30
- Implemented many award winning projects in multiple fields of design
- Published as chief editor of the "New Design Book", Tsinghua University Press
- Published a few papers related to design, technology, and material science, multiple design and research protected by patent
- Research funded by National Science Foundation
- Commercial
- Retail
- Education
- Installation
Concert Hall
Decoration of
The New