Wells+Wang未来建筑事务所创立于纽约,由康奈尔大学建筑系前系主任、纽约州注册建筑师Jerry Wells和王斯旻主持,他们与他们的伙伴们一起,试图采用新技术和新的工作流来回答建筑对于当代社会和年轻一代的意义。他们的答案在不同的尺度上,不同的次元里正在得到呈现。从店面到商业综合体、从学习中心到大学校区、从装置艺术到景观街区、从线下到线上,他们正在实验如何将用户体验方法与精益设计融入建筑与空间设计,如何运用新的工程技术定义新的建筑空间。


Wells+Wang Architects was founded by Jerry Wells, a NY state licensed architect and a former chair of the Cornell Architecture Department and Simin Wang. They and their colleagues are trying to address the meaning of architecture for the younger generation with new technologies and workflows. Their solutions have been revealed on different scales and dimensions. From department stores to commercial complexes, from study centers to university campuses, from installation to urban landscape avenues, and from offline to online, they are experimenting with design using user-experiment methods, lean design, and newly developed engineering tech that may define new architectural spaces.

Wells+Wang are experienced in commercial, educational, and office architecture/space design. In China, Wells+Wang has partnered with Chinese Resources, Vanke, Longfor, COMAC, CASC, AVIC, Tsinghua University, and many more well-known corporations and brands in various fields. Completed projects include architectural design and renovation, interior design, and decoration design. Wells+Wang is also exploring space design opportunities in the metaverse. Wells+Wang is a sub-brand of ZOMO ZOMO.